
制度的有效性 & Accountability

LAVC tracks data on student achievement and learning as part of its ongoing improvement processes. Information is provided below on student outcomes, courses, programs and services.


Program Review

LAVC instructional and non-instructional programs conduct annual evaluation and planning in their program review.


LAVC assesses course and program learning outcomes on an ongoing basis. 


LAVC有机构设定的成功标准(ISS), retention, completion, 转移和其他结果.

Licensure Rates

Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) posts information regarding the license examination passage rates for its programs.   Pass/Fail information is provided, along with links to detailed information.

Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) posts information regarding the license examination passage rates for its programs. The detailed information for the following LAVC programs can be found online at:

  2022 2021  2020 2019   2018 2017 2016 2015
LAVC -新候选人摘要 75.00% 72.22% 80.77% 68.00%  70.37% 77.27% 88% 77.78%
LAVC -重复候选人摘要 61.54% 50% 50% 26.67% 46.67% 66.67% 100% 70%
国家-新候选人摘要 68.94% 64.15% 71.98% 68.37% 73.37% 70.63% 72.14% 76.40%
全国-重复候选人摘要 31.93% 29.52% 33.96% 26.71% 27.26% 26.08% 27.38% 33.43%
Pass 1st Attempt
  2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
LAVC 91% 77% 66% 65% 63% 40% 42% 38%
California 74% 73% 72% 71% 68% 68% 70% 73%
National 70% 69% 68% 68% 65% 67% 70% 72%

Student Right-to-Know


In compliance with the Student-Right-to-Know 《皇冠官网网站》(公法101-542), it is the policy of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) and Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students.

一个队列的所有证书, degree-, 第一次跳槽, 对全日制学生进行为期三年的跟踪调查.

SRTK Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Cohort Year Fall 2019

Fall 2018

Fall 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2010 Fall
Completion Rate 32.11% 32.19% 25.63% 25.89% 23.00% 21.10% 23.83% 27.89% 21.12% 18.06% 18.38%
Transfer Rate 6.62% 8.38% 10.84% 9.95% 10.00% 8.79% 8.39% 8.17% 9.13% 10.45% 10.01%

last updated 2/8/24

更多信息可在 CCCO SRTK site. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at LAVC, nor does it account for student outcomes occurring outside this three-year tracking period.


Employment Outcomes

LAVC publishes data on job placement and employment outcomes of it' students.

Salary & Wage Information

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is making available for the first time comparative information about the earnings of recent graduates who received an award in a specific program area at California community colleges. The Salary Surfer uses the aggregated earnings of graduates from a five year period to provide an estimate on the potential wages to be earned two years and five years after receiving a certificate or degree in certain disciplines. This tool also provides information on which colleges offer programs in those specific disciplines. The Salary Surfer does not contain information about wages earned by community college students who transfer to a four-year institution.

The CCCCO College Wage Tracker provides median wage information on students who completed credit awards at a particular California Community College over a series of academic years using California Employment Development (EDD) Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage data . Total annual median wages for students three years after completion of award are displayed and categorized by College and type of award.

Please read methodology for more detail regarding the cohort and data analysis.



Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) provides current or prospective students, and their families with 消费者关于学院的信息, which includes:

  • 校园概况
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Financial Aid
  • Enrollment
  • 学生种族/民族和性别
  • Program Completion
  • 第一次入学学生的保留率
  • 总体毕业率和转学项目/专业
  • Net Price Calculator

LAVC的数据元素每年通过 IPEDS system to The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES位于美国.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.

大学的负担能力 & Transparency Center (CATC) College Scorecard provides information on the net price, graduation, 贷款违约率和学生贷款的典型金额. See LAVCCATC College Scorecard.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information

家庭教育权利法案(FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

Institutional Planning



The Educational Master Plan serves as the college’s central planning document and reflects the College Mission, Vision, and Core Values.  The Educational Master Plan details all academic and educational planning objectives that relate to the college’s educational goals. Los Angeles Valley College’s 教育总体规划(2020-2026) details the strategic direction the College will pursue to meet the challenges and opportunities it will face over the next six years

Goal 1: Increase completions through an innovational learner-centered environment and a culture of equity.

Goal 2: 促进校园和社区参与. 

Goal 3: Maximize institutional effectiveness by ensuring financial stability, increasing access, and committing resources to cultivate and support student learning. 

The 教育策划委员会 is responsible for monitoring and revising the LAVC教育总体规划.  As part of the process, EPC is also responsible for reviewing the institutional mission, vision and core values.